Sophisticated humor--Liz Pogue "Victoria Times-Colonist" (8/31/2003 12:00:00 AM)
A world where people fall down rabbit holes and confront talking caterpillars is a place where Steadman would feel comfortable. An interesting look at the artist at an earlier stage in his own artistic approach.--Terry Peters "North Shore News" (3/9/2007 12:00:00 AM)
[Steadman's drawings] are still remarkably fresh and unique.-- "White Rabbit Tales [Newsletter of the Lewis Carroll Society of Canada]" (1/1/2002 12:00:00 AM)
Don't count on a bookful of sweet, charming etchings of the shrinking golden girl; this is a somewhat less flattering Alice than the one we've come to know and expect. In over 40 pen and ink illustrations, this Wonderland is more tempestuous; of greater, grittier (and funnier) distortion... when dangerous satirists like Steadman exercise their imaginations and lyric, delirious pens in the slivers and shards of a distorted world -- look out.-- "" (11/1/2003 12:00:00 AM)
Ferocious Steadman spin.-- "Toronto Star" (8/31/2003 12:00:00 AM)
Explosive ink drawings... acidic whimsies splash across pages, bringing dear Alice a newly stimulating cup of tea.--David Elliott "San Diego Union-Tribune" (11/30/2003 12:00:00 AM)
Carroll's hall-of-mirrors children's tale and Steadman's "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" style make for an eerily perfect fit.--Mary Ann Gwinn "Seattle Times" (12/10/2003 12:00:00 AM)
Alice as you've rarely seen her... fun for all ages... full of the wit and wisdom Carroll originally gave us.--Betsy Daley "Waterbury Republican-American" (12/7/2003 12:00:00 AM)
The familiar cast of characters... takes on a bizarre life of its own with Steadman's black and white illustrations. Children... will be curious, confused yet amazed by what they read and see in this book--Cindly L. Carolan "Children's Literature"
Pair[s] a perpetually suspicious Alice with peculiar creatures that well warrant her chariness.--Clair Martin "Denver Post" (11/30/2003 12:00:00 AM)