Joining a long line of speculative writing that helps us to understand worlds not yet existing An Oral History of the New York Commune will appeal to readers of Octavia Butler, Ursula LeGuin, Kim Stanley Robinson, Ian M. Banks, Samuel Delaney, and China Mieville among others.
Kyle Lukoff is a children's book author.
@Muna_Mire My favorite novel of the year is "Everything for Everyone: An Oral History of the New York Commune, 2052-2072" by Eman Abdelhadi and @genderhorizon.
Los Angeles Review of Books
“This novel is situated in an already present ecological and social collapse and the two poles of its tension — insurgency and the commune — cannot exist without the other.“ @shinjini_dey on M. E. O’Brien and Eman Abdelhadi‘s “Everything for Everyone.”
shallow but the pussy deep / to find its meaning is my meat and drink / edits @hypocriterdr words also @strangehorizons derailments @TellurideAssoc @DSA
I reviewed @genderhorizon and @emanabdelhadi's brilliant new book Everything for Everyone at @strangehorizons