Critic Reviews
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Freed Black women organizing for protection in the Reconstruction-era South. Jewish immigrant garment workers braving deadly conditions for a sliver of independence. Asian American fieldworkers rejecting government-sanctioned indentured servitude across the Pacific. Incarcerated workers advocating for basic human rights and fair wages. The queer Black labor leader who helped orchestrate America's civil rights movement. These are only some of the heroes who propelled American labor's relentless push for fairness and equal protection under the law.
The names and faces of countless silenced, misrepresented, or forgotten leaders have been erased by time as a privileged few decide which stories get cut from the final copy: those of women, people of color, LGBTQIA people, disabled people, sex workers, prisoners, and the poor. In this definitive and assiduously researched "thought-provoking must-read" (Liz Shuler, AFL-CIO president), Teen Vogue columnist and independent labor reporter Kim Kelly excavates that untold history and shows how the rights the American worker has today--the forty-hour workweek, workplace-safety standards, restrictions on child labor, protection from harassment and discrimination on the job--were earned with literal blood, sweat, and tears.
Fight Like Hell comes at a time of economic reckoning in America. From Amazon's warehouses to Starbucks cafes, Appalachian coal mines to the sex workers of Portland's Stripper Strike, interest in organized labor is at a fever pitch not seen since the early 1960s. Inspirational, intersectional, and full of crucial lessons from the past, Fight Like Hell is "essential reading for anyone who believes that workers should control their fate" (Shane Burley, author of Why We Fight).
Mark Anthony Neal is an author and professor of African American studies.
'Kelly’s Fight Like Hell: The Untold History of American Labor, expands on her reporting as a labor columnist for Teen Vogue — where she covers everything from strike explainers to the need for class solidarity to Appalachia’s history of labor militancy.'
Kelly “jumps between different eras and areas,” a method that illuminates connections between people, ideas, and struggles in ways that chronology would not. The result is an imaginative book of radical genealogies, assembled from vivid human stories linked across time and space.
Billy Bragg is a singer-songwriter and activist.
With a new generation of workers willing to take strike action, there couldn’t be a better time for this new book by @GrimKim. Reading this brilliant history of union activism in the US has been the ideal companion on a tour infused with picket lines and protests.