An award-winning poet's testimony of the war in Vietnam.
YUSEF KOMUNYAKAA is a professor in the Council of Humanities and Creative Writing at Princeton University. He is the author of seven Wesleyan titles including Pleasure Dome: New and Collected Poems (2001), Thieves of Paradise (1998), Magic City (1992), and Dien Cai Dau (1988).
Poets & Writers, Inc. is the primary source of information, support, and guidance for creative writers.
#ClipOfTheDay: “To feel signs depends on how & why / the singer’s song puckers the mouth.” Yusef Komunyakaa reads from his collection Everyday Mojo Songs of Earth: New and Selected Poems, 2001-2021 in this 2020 virtual @PoemsLunch reading.
Claremont Graduate University's $100,000 Kingsley Tufts Poetry & $10,000 Kate Tufts Discovery Awards honor poets and allow them to continue honing their craft.
1994: Celebrating the second Kingsley Tufts Poetry Winner: Neon Vernacular by Yusef Komunyakaa. "Just before sunlight burns off morning fog. Is it her, will she know what I've seen & done, How my boots leave little grave-stone shapes..." #tuftspoetry30
WAYS WE VANISH @okaydonkeymag. Soon chapbook RAGNOROK AT THE FATHER-DAUGHTER DANCE @VariantLit. Poetry ed for @TheBoiler_. APR, Guernica, HAD, etc. he/him
might send something about how his Neon Vernacular was the first book written by a living poet I ever bought (still have it, here’s my name and old AOL email/phone number in case I lost it)
"Quite simply, Komunyakaa is one of the most extraordinary poets writing today...He takes on the most complex moral issues, the most harrowing ugly subjects of our American life. His voice, whether it embodies the specific experiences of a black man, a soldier in Vietnam, or a child in Bogalusa, Louisiana, is universal. It shows us in ever deeper ways what it is to be human."--Toi Derricotte, Kenyon Review
"Komunyakaa's best poems are jazzy and improvisational, razor-sharp pieces that tell us more about our culture than any news broadcast"--Bloomsbury Review
"This collection is comprised of poems from seven of Komunyakaa's previous collections. A master at interweaving memory and history to shape his experiences into narratives, he enriches his poems with details . . . As an African American, he defines a culture with striking imagery that is often misunderstood by mainstream readers. Highly recommended"--Library Journal
"Quite simply, Komunyakaa is one of the most extraordinary poets writing todayHe takes on the most complex moral issues, the most harrowing ugly subjects of our American life. His voice, whether it embodies the specific experiences of a black man, a soldier in Vietnam, or a child in Bogalusa, Louisiana, is universal. It shows us in ever deeper ways what it is to be human."--Toi Derricotte, Kenyon Review
"Yusef Komunyakaa is a poet whose work, over ten years and many books, continues to grow in complexity and beauty, Neon Vernacular includes some of the best Vietnam testimony, in verse or prose, that I've ever read. Komunyakaa's whole oeuvre explores and re/members the double consciousness at work in the construction of African-American male identity."--Marilyn Hacker, The Nation