I admire how she protects her energy and understands her limitations.,Terry Tempest Williams, Refuge: An Unnatural History of Family and Place,limitations, self-knowledge,
Writer & botanist motivated by love for this living earth. My words & images aim to restore our health & wholeness, and help us be our best & kindest selves.
@brooke_warner Terry Tempest Williams' memoir Refuge
Author of SURRENDER | @FitzcarraldoEds & @Erratanaturae | words in @darkmtn @latimestravel @thenation @NewStatesman @Orion_Magazine @spectator @TheTLS etc...
@nonsuchbook ‘Refuge’ by Terry Tempest Williams gave me the permission I needed to put words to paper. I also love Gretel Ehrlich’s ‘The Solace of Open Spaces’ & ‘A Match to the Heart’. Eula Visa’s ‘On Immunity’ is just so good. And almost anything by the two Annies: Ernaux & Dillard.
"Moving and loving... both a natural history of an ecological phenomenon [and] a Mormon family saga... A heroic book."
--The Washington Post Book World
"A record of loss, healing grace, and the search for a human place in nature's large design. Terry Tempest Williams's courage is matched by the earnest beauty of her language and the keen compassion of her observations." --Louise Erdrich
"The wonderful thing about Refuge is that Terry Williams is too full of life herself, and too fascinated by all its manifestations, to write a gloomy book. There isn't a page in Refuge that doesn't whistle with the sound of wings." --Wallace Stegner
"Brilliantly conceived... one of the most significant environmental essays of our time." --The Kansas City Star