Did you know that rhinoceroses are the second biggest land animal in the world, second only to elephants? How about that rhinos have especially poor eyesight? Or that white and black rhinos are called that even though neither of them is black or white?
Perfect for all animal lovers--and rhino fans in particular--this book is filled with all the facts you need to know to become a rhinoceros expert! Where are rhinos found? What's it like to be a rhino? Why are rhinos endangered, and who has been working hard to save them? Read this book and find out how you can help save the rhinoceroses!
Complete with black-and-white photographs, a list of fun rhino facts, and things that kids can do right this very moment to help save rhinoceroses from extinction, this book, with an introduction by animal advocate Chelsea Clinton, is a must for every family, school, and community library.
Chelsea Clinton (she/her) is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of She Persisted, She Persisted Around the World, She Persisted in Sports, She Persisted in Science, Don't Let Them Disappear, It's Your World and Start Now!, as well as Grandma's Gardens and The Book of Gutsy Women, which she wrote with Hillary Clinton, and Governing Global Health with Devi Sridhar. Chelsea earned a master's degree in public health from Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health, where she is now an adjunct assistant professor, and a PhD in international relations from Oxford University. She is also the Vice Chair of the Clinton Foundation, where she works on many initiatives, including those that help empower the next generation of leaders. She lives in New York City with her husband, Marc, their three children and their dog, Soren.
"An informative book for readers who are concerned about endangered animals." --Booklist