Critic Reviews
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Of the crucial men close to President Lincoln, Secretary of War Edwin Stanton (1814-1869) was the most powerful and controversial. Stanton raised, armed, and supervised the army of a million men who won the Civil War. He directed military movements. He arrested and imprisoned thousands for "war crimes," such as resisting the draft or calling for an armistice. Stanton was so controversial that some accused him at that time of complicity in Lincoln's assassination. He was a stubborn genius who was both reviled and revered in his time.
Stanton was a Democrat before the war and a prominent trial lawyer. He opposed slavery, but only in private. He served briefly as President Buchanan's Attorney General and then as Lincoln's aggressive Secretary of War. On the night of April 14, 1865, Stanton rushed to Lincoln's deathbed and took over the government since Secretary of State William Seward had been critically wounded the same evening. He informed the nation of the President's death, summoned General Grant to protect the Capitol, and started collecting the evidence from those who had been with the Lincolns at the theater in order to prepare a murder trial.
Now Walter Stahr's "highly recommended" (Library Journal, starred review) essential book is the first major account of Stanton in fifty years, restoring this underexplored figure to his proper place in American history. "A lively, lucid, and opinionated history" (Kirkus Reviews, starred review).
The Hoover Institution, within Stanford University, is a public policy research center promoting the principles of individual, economic, and political freedom.
In a new episode of @uncknowledge, historical biographer Walter Stahr joins @p_m_robinson. Earlier this year, Stahr followed his biographies of William H. Seward and Edwin Stanton with the biography of Salmon P. Chase, Treasury secretary under Lincoln: