Records of prices are more abundant than any other quantifiable data, and span the entire range of history, from tables of medieval grain prices to the overabundance of modern statistics. Fischer studies this wealth of data, creating a narrative that encompasses all of Western culture. He describes four waves of price revolutions, each beginning in a period of equilibrium: the High Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, and finally the Victorian Age. Each revolution is marked by continuing inflation, a widening gap between rich and poor, increasing instability, and finally a crisis at the crest of the wave that is characterized by demographic contraction, social and political upheaval, and economic collapse. The most violent of these climaxes was the catastrophic fourteenth century, in which war, famine, and the Black Death devastated the continent--the only time in Europe's history that the population actually declined.
Fischer also brilliantly illuminates how these long economic waves are closely intertwined with social and political events, affecting the very mindset of the people caught in them. The long periods of equilibrium are marked by cultural and intellectual movements--such as the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, and the Victorian Age-- based on a belief in order and harmony and in the triumph of progress and reason. By contrast, the years of price revolution created a melancholy culture of despair.
Fischer suggests that we are living now in the last stages of a price revolution that has been building since the turn of the century. The destabilizing price surges and declines and the diminished expectations the United States has suffered in recent years--and the famines and wars of other areas of the globe--are typical of the crest of a price revolution. He does not attempt to predict what will happen, noting that "uncertainty about the future is an inexorable fact of our condition." Rather, he ends with a brilliant analysis of where we might go from here and what our choices are now. This book is essential reading for anyone concerned about the state of the world today.
Peter A. Shulman is an author and professor of history.
@BeijingPalmer I never read it but DHF tried to write that book: The Great Wave: Price Revolutions and the Rhythm of History
Words, code and charts. Senior data journalist with @YouGovAmerica. Host of the French history podcast @TheSiecle.
@inkybrained Does David Hackett Fischer's "The Great Wave" have any weight in contemporary economic history?
Author of 'Taming the Street: The Old Guard, the New Deal, and FDR's Fight to Regulate American Capitalism' and the NYT bestseller 'The Wizard of Lies.'
Stumbled on this yesterday at my beloved @LittleCityBks and couldn't put it down! Bravo to @delong for this masterful work - haven't had as much fun with economic #history since "The Great Wave" by David Hackett Fischer!