Writer and cartoonist. Seen in The Toast, New Yorker, The Awl, The Nib, Racked, The Rumpus, The Baffler, etc. That guy you met at that party once.
@walletcheck @abrahamjoseph The this basically the thesis of Giovanni Arrighi's "The Long Twentieth Century." Which is discussed well here https://t.co/pfjcRd3wAr
"The Long Twentieth Century has the grandeur of a sprawling epic and the schematic grace of a Richard Neutra blueprint ... It is the single most useful text on offer for anyone who wants to narrate the story of world capitalism--from its nascent form on the rim of the Mediterranean to the current reach of the United States' empire, and beyond."
--Los Angeles Review of Books
"Made no concrete prediction, but nevertheless interpreted the rising power of Wall Street since the 1970s as a symptom of imminent US decline, followed perhaps by an era of Chinese global leadership."
--William Davies, New Statesman
"This book is one of the most comprehensive presentations concerning the history of capitalism from early modern times up to the present."
--Joseph Vogl, Shepherd.com