In The Next American Essay, John D'Agata takes a literary tour of lyric essays written by the masters of the craft. Beginning with 1975 and John McPhee's ingenious piece, "The Search for Marvin Gardens," D'Agata selects an example of creative nonfiction for each subsequent year. These essays are unrestrained, elusive, explosive, mysterious--a personal lingual playground. They encompass and illuminate culture, myth, history, romance, and sex. Each essay is a world of its own, a world so distinctive it resists definition.
Contributors include:
Sherman Alexie
David Antin
Jenny Boully
Anne Carson
Guy Davenport
Lydia Davis
Joan Didion
Annie Dillard
Thalia Field
Albert Goldbarth
Susan Griffin
Theresa Hak Kung Cha
Jamaica Kincaid
Wayne Koestenbaum
Barry Lopez
John McPhee
Carole Maso
Harry Mathews
Susan Mitchell
Fabio Morabito
Mary Ruefle
David Shields
Dennis Silk
Susan Sontag
Alexander Theroux
George W. S. Trow
David Foster Wallace
Eliot Weinberger
Joe Wenderoth
James Wright
John D'Agata is the author Halls of Fame. A graduate of the Iowa Writers' Workshop, he holds M.F.A.s in both nonfiction and poetry and is currently editor of lyric essays for Seneca Review.
an independent nonprofit literary magazine and press publishing poetry, prose, art, criticism // new books by @Toscano200, Kenneth Reveiz, Valerie Werder
From the archive! Christine Hume reviews John D'Agata's The Next American Essay for Constant Critic in 2003; read today on Fence Digital! 📚
One Person Away From You @mooncitypress (2021) The Body is a temporary gathering place @autofocus (2024)
@bloodsigns Yes! This anthology and The Next American Essay, edited by John D'agata are the two books that opened up essays for me. We just had a book swap with some writer friends via @which_is_to_say and this is the book I brought!
New York Times bestselling author of HEART BERRIES: A MEMOIR @CounterpointLLC. Work in Time, Elle, The Guardian, Mother Jones, Best American Essays.
white people need to be kinder to us and our knowledge. We can help. If they treat our stories, our knowledge, our oral history as primary text. Anyway, I like John D'Agata. "The Next American Essay" was formative for me.
"From the living Monopoly game (in an essay by John McPhee) to a set of unattended ghostly footnotes, from the Joan Didion elegy to the Anne Carson fantasia, this book shows what the essay is and what, with any luck, it will be. The collection is full of pleasures and surprises, the most stunning of which is the ongoing essay by D'Agata himself--he transforms a mere anthology into the living biography of an art form." --Michael Silverblatt, creator, producer, and host of public radio's Bookworm
"D'Agata avows love of the diversity of the essay form, and it is palpable on every page of this unique, esoteric, beautiful book. He tells the reader that he first became enamored of essays when his mother read him the news of the day while he was still in her womb. It is this kind of fantastic, myth-making perspective that runs through each entry of this anthology, whose contributors include such master essayists as John McPhee, Susan Sontag, Joan Didion and Annie Dillard. Hopping from one genre to another--biography, poetry, philosophy, travel writing, memoir--D'Agata makes the point that the essay is not just one form of writing but can be every form of writing . . . [Many of D'Agata's] choices convey the wondrously infinite possibilities of the essay form. Standouts include 'Unguided Tour, ' Sontag's cranky philosophical dialogue with her inner self; 'Life Story, ' David Shields's string of aphorisms composed entirely of bumper sticker slogans; 'Ticket to the Fair, ' David Foster Wallace's colorful, compassionate tour of the Illinois State Fair; and 'The Body, ' Jenny Boully's postmodern pastiche of autobiographical (or not) footnotes. D'Agata's idea of an essay--or lyric essay, as he comes to call these writings--conflates both art and fact, blurring the line between objectivity and subjectivity. The lyric essay, he says, has a 'kind of logic that wants to sing.' Readers, listen up, then: here is a book that makes some beautiful music." --Publishers Weekly