Tweets on classic films and books.
@nguyenhdi @hairygit @murmurations24 Harriet (in Emma) loves The Romance of the Forest by Ann Radcliffe. The real bookish Austen novel is Northanger Abbey. I will read this one soon, now that I have read The Mysteries of Udolpho.
non-profit - supports free e-literature and Project Gutenberg (producing e-books) - back online soon + free edu worldwide (Mooc's etc.) (also: @gutenberg_org)
Digitizing for @gutenberg_org - 3 novels by pioneer of Gothic Novel Mrs Ann Radcliffe: The Italian, The Romance of the Forest and The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne
quotes from gothic fiction every hour. run by circe moskowitz (and occasionally @ashiamonet).
"The time may come, my friend, when death shall dissolve the sinews of avarice, and justice be permitted to resume her rights." The Romance of the Forest, Ann Radcliffe