An abandoned building. A motivated runner. A Hodgkin's Lymphoma cancer survivor.
Connor Jackson has been training for a half marathon for the past six weeks. Katie Brandt has been training to beat cancer for the past 50. When Connor discovers an intriguing secret in a tiny, abandoned building on his running route, Katie finds that the mystery is what she needs to help her get through her three-week stem cell replacement procedure. Together, Conner and Katie must find the strength to achieve their personal goals and, in the meantime, expose the many past lives that the tiny building led.
"We all want to find something amazing - some treasure - in old, abandoned places. That's what we expect." - Katie Brandt, cancer survivor
"A book that reverberates with hope and the power of goals to keep us going even in the face of challenges."
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The disorganized brains behind Naughty Netherworld Press & Reader's Roost. Follow my personal account @therealcie for critter posts, harsh language, and rants.
Review - The Story That Made Us Stronger by Iris March #fiction #history #cancer #romance via @StoreyBookRev