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"John O'Donohue is a man of the soul."--Times (London)
To Bless the Space Between Us is a compelling blend of elegant, poetic language and spiritual insight to offer readers comfort and encouragement on their journeys through life. John O'Donohue, Irish teacher and poet, looks at life's thresholds--getting married, having children, starting a new job--and offers invaluable guidelines for making the transition from a known, familiar world into a new, unmapped territory.
Most profoundly, however, O'Donohue explains "blessings" as a way of life, a lens through which the whole world is transformed. He awakens readers to timeless truths and shows the power they have to answer contemporary dilemmas and ease us through periods of change.
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2" Yet beneath the surface of winter, the miracle of spring is already in preparation; the cold is relenting; seeds are wakening up. Then one bud opens and the symphony of renewal is no longer reversible." John O’Donohue in "To Bless the Space Between Us"
Texan celebrating his Irish heritage; operated by @RickBarry44
From John O'Donohue's Benedictus: A Book of Blessings (UK, 2007) The book was published in the U.S. under the title To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Blessings (2008). The contents are largely the same, but "This Is the Time To Be Slow" is here contained in a longer piece.
Silence | Solitude | Solidarity | Service
acknowledge the key thresholds: to take your time, to feel all the varieties of presence that accrue there, to listen inwards with complete attention until you hear the inner voice calling you forward.” ~ John O’Donohue, Benedictus - A Book of Blessings
"John O'Donohue is a man of the soul. His scholarly meditation on the continuing relevance of Ireland's spiritual heritage has become a publishing phenomenon...."
--London Times
Anam Cara
"A lively spiritual companion to all Celts--or to those who are Celtic in their hearts."
--Publishers Weekly (starred review)
"Anam Cara is a radiant source of wisdom, a link between the human and the divine. This work is a blessed, rare gem."
--Larry Dossey, M.D., author of Be Careful What You Pray For and Healing Words
"This beautifully written book proves that tireless wisdom can bring an amazing understanding about ourselves and the world around us even today."
--Dannion Brinkley author of Saved by the Light and At Peace in the Light
Eternal Echoes
"O'Donohue has produced a treasury for readers of all faiths. A demanding, high-wire existentialist adventure that will inspire readers to re-evaluate their goals and ways of being in the world. O'Donohue ends each chapter with a lyrical blessing or prayer, and his book itself is a profound, healing prayer."
--Publishers Weekly