Lindon is born Unsouled, the one person in his family unable to use the magical Paths of the sacred arts. He uses every trick and technique he can borrow or steal to improve his life, but it seems he will never be able to join the ranks of the truly powerful.
Until the heavens descend and show him the future.
When Lindon becomes the only one who sees the approaching doom, he must leave his homeland to save it...and to see how far he can go by walking his own Path.
The Cradle series is the best-selling example of the Progression Fantasy subgenre, which includes works of fantasy where the primary plot revolves around a character growing more powerful in their use of magic. Cradle is high-stakes, fast-paced, and action-focused, with minimal time dedicated to world-building, and as such the books are lean and focused. The series is often compared to anime, with fans using phrases like "anime in book form" or "fantasy novels meet Dragon Ball Z," emphasizing the story's specialty of loud and colorful super-powered battles.
Will lives in Florida, lurking beneath the swamps to ambush prey. He graduated from the University of Central Florida where he received a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and a cursed coin of Spanish gold.
Visit his website for eldritch incantations, book news, and a blessing of prosperity for your crops. If you believe you have experienced a sighting of Will Wight, please report it to the agents listening from your attic.
To contact him, you can comment on his website, visit his official Facebook page, track him down on Instagram, or write his name thirty-three times on the beach at low tide. Any of the above will cause him to call to you from the waves.
🇵🇹 🇬🇧 | Epic Fantasy Author | Short fiction at Grimdark Magazine | BUY SEEDS OF WAR: GET RUINS OF SMOKE FOR FREE:
Five chapters into Will Wight’s Unsouled and I am hooked. The shounen anime fan in me is overjoyed 😁
The hero you didn't know you were looking for
This is where Wight's world building truly shines, introducing us to a society
where strength is held paramount and the weak are pushed aside. There were
times when I couldn't breathe because I so desperately wanted Lindon to rise up
and strike down those oppressing him or hurting him.
And so, the reader experiences the same hunger for knowledge that Lindon does,
partially because the story demands it and partially because you are cheering for
Lindon in a way that surpasses what is rational for a character whose existence is
limited to a Kindle device. When it comes to Lindon's success and ascension,
Wight stokes a fire in his reader that makes it very difficult to stop reading.
--Meghan RemingtonCompelling Scale and Worldbuilding
I was supremely compelled to finish Lindon's story, from his inciting incident all
the way to the bombastic finish of book 1, and by the nature of Wight's writing
style, I was supremely surprised to find myself at the end of his book in what felt
like no time at all.
--Dominic RoemerBrandon Sanderson meets Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Unsouled is a kind of Brandon Sanderson meets Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
wrapped in Naruto. If you're looking for a non-western setting, this novel delivers
in spades.
--Calvin Park