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How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie - This multi-decade old, but still relevant, book was instrumental in helping me learn to talk to people in a way that made me better at handling social situations as a social introvert.
Teaching young men how to elevate their lifestyle through health, personal development and mindset.
9 Self Development Books That Will Change Your Life: 1) How To Win Friends And Influence People - Dale Carnegie 2) The 48 Laws Of Power- Robert Greene 3) The Richest Man In Babylon- George S. Clason 4) The Way Of The Superior Man- David Deida Next👇
The Persuasive Introvert | Tweeting insights on Persuasion, Human Nature, and The Basics of Copywriting.
Want to be more successful in your career, personal life, and dating? Then learn how to be more persuasive. Books to get you going: -Influence by Dr. Cialdini -Win Bigly by Scott Adams -Enchantment by Guy Kawasaki -How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie