Critic Reviews
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At the same time, the letters reveal much about their author. We see the infectious fascination with which Vladimir observed everything--animals, people, speech, landscapes and cityscapes--and glimpse his ceaseless work on his poems, plays, stories, novels, memoirs, screenplays, and translations. This delightful volume is enhanced by twenty-one photographs, as well as facsimiles of the letters and the puzzles and drawings Vladimir often sent to Véra.
With 8 pages of photographs and 47 illustrations in text
BRIAN BOYD, University Distinguished Professor of English, University of Auckland, wrote an MA thesis that Vladimir Nabokov called "brilliant" and a PhD thesis that Véra Nabokov thought the best thing written about her husband to date. His biography of Nabokov won awards on four continents; his criticism has been translated into eighteen languages. He has edited Nabokov's English-language novels, autobiography, butterfly writings, and translations from Russian poetry.
Offline since July 2023
There are days when I adore you just a little more than a human being can adore. - Vladimir Nabokov {Letters to Véra}
what are my desires compared to this light? everything is love and that's all there is to it.
— Vladimir Nabokov, from Letters to Vera: “and more than anything i want for you to be happy, and it seems to me i could give you this happiness — sunny, simple — but not quite ordinary.”
İstanbul-Viyana-New York
"I love you, my sun, my life, I love your eyes - closed - all the little tails of your thoughts, your stretchy vowels, your whole soul from head to heels. I'm tired, off to bed. I love you." Vladimir Nabokov, Letters to Véra Photography: Jack Garofalo
"A self-portrait of the young Vladimir unvarnished by Nabokovian irony. The earliest letters, intoxicated with language and desire, are intoxicating to read." --The New Yorker
"It is the prose itself that provides the lasting affirmation...the lavishness, the freely offered gift, of his divine energy." --Martin Amis, The New York Times Book Review
"Letters to Véra, a five-decade epistolary love story, is like being handed a celebrity's unlocked iPhone. Pry away.... I still hope for Nabokovian romance." --Elle
"A fascinating collection of correspondence.... A wife--and indeed, a son--who could inspire such caring and creative letters as these deserve to be included in Nabokov's literary legacy." --The Christian Science Monitor
"Letters to Véra opens the workshop door and shows us Vladimir not in his accredited hard-shell case of genius but as a soft, vulnerable practicing writer.... Again and again, we see what Charles Kinbote, in Pale Fire, calls the magic of a mind 'perceiving and transforming the world, taking it in and taking it apart, re-combining its elements.'" --Harper's Magazine