Near to the Wild Heart, published in Rio de Janeiro in 1943, introduced Brazil to what one writer called "Hurricane Clarice" a twenty-three-year-old girl who wrote her first book in a tiny rented room and then baptized it with a title taken from Joyce: "He was alone, unheeded, near to the wild heart of life."
The book was an unprecedented sensation -- the discovery of a genius. Narrative epiphanies and interior monologue frame the life of Joana, from her middle-class childhood through her unhappy marriage and its dissolution to transcendence, when she proclaims: "I shall arise as strong and comely as a young colt."
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Near to the Wild Heart (Perto do coração selvagem) is Clarice Lispector's first novel, written from March to November 1942 and published around her twenty-third birthday in December 1943 - Listen here -
If you rose to the point of understanding it (life), it wouldn’t be possible to preserve the knowledge of it as knowledge but it would be turned into an attitude, the only way to fully possess and express it. - Clarice Lispector in ‘Near to the Wild Heart’
protean trans woman, poète maudit, punk house-socialized Emily Dickinson, cartoon androgyne between fashionable imps, writer. links:
one of the key insights of Clarice Lispector's Near to the Wild Heart is that women "were the symbol of the thing in the thing itself." that's most true of trans women