“Would you happen to have a Ben Hur 1860? The third edition, the one with the erratum on page 116.” Don’t follow me on Facebook because I’m not there.
@ratemyskyperoom @PeterBeinart Spotted, some big names in late 20th century American intellectual history: THE BOOK OF J; David Rosenberg and Harold Bloom (1990) A MARGIN OF HOPE: An Intellectual Autobiography; Irving Howe (1982) GIANTS AND DWARFS: Essays 1960-1990; Allan Bloom (1990) https://t.co/Tj47uULkyk
NYT-bestselling transbian authoress: TRUE BELIEVER / RINGMASTER / HOLLYWOOD FREAKS. Board, @JewishCurrents. Against messianism. she/her 🏳️⚧️
https://t.co/7IfFilX37M (well, technically THE BOOK OF J, but Harold Bloom got what I was going for) https://t.co/MDYvkTMu8P